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Articulation of offices

Art. 13 c. 1 lett. b,c - Publication obligations concerning the organization of public administrations
1. Public administrations shall publish and update information and data concerning their organization, accompanied by the documents, including regulatory reference documents. Among others, data concerning:
(b) the organization of offices, the competencies and resources available to each office, including those of non-general management level, the names of the managers in charge of individual offices;
c) to the illustration in simplified form, for the purpose of full accessibility and comprehensibility of data, of the organization of the administration, by means of the organization chart or similar graphic representations.

Organigramma Direzione regionale Musei nazionali Lazio

Articulation of offices - Ministry of Culture

Pagina creata il 18/09/2023, ultima modifica 19/07/2024