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Loan procedures for cultural works in Italy and abroad.

Article 42, paragraph 2, lett. l) of DPCM 169/2019 assigns to the Regional Director the authorization functions with regard to the "loan of cultural property of the collections within his competence for exhibitions or expositions in the national territory or abroad, pursuant to Article 48, paragraph 1, of the Code, also in compliance with the agreements referred to in Article 18, paragraph 2, letter b) , after hearing, for loans abroad, the General Directorate of Museums and in any case in compliance with the provisions of Article 13, paragraph 2, letter t) ".

The request, addressed to the Lazio Regional Museums Directorate, should be sent to


Concession of use of cultural property

The Regional Directorate of Museums Lazio has the power to grant for use the cultural property assigned to it (Legislative Decree 42/2004, art. 106 et seq.).

The request, addressed to the Lazio Regional Museums Directorate, should be sent to

The duration of the proceedings is 30 days in accordance with law 241/90.


Photo Archive

The Regional Directorate of Museums Lazio has the power to grant reproduction of cultural property assigned to it (Legislative Decree 42/2004, art. 106 et seq.).

The request, addressed to the Lazio Regional Museums Directorate, should be sent to

The duration of the proceedings is 30 days in accordance with law 241/90.


Access for study purposes

To study a work preserved or exhibited in the museum sites of the Lazio Regional Museums Directorate, it is necessary for the applicant to make a request to:

The duration of the proceedings is 30 days in accordance with law 241/90.


Page created 04/24/2022, last modified 03/14/2023