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Information burdens for citizens and businesses

Article 34, paragraphs 1 and 2 - Transparency of information burdens.
1. Ministerial or inter-ministerial regulations, as well as administrative measures of a general nature adopted by State administrations to regulate the exercise of authorizing, licensing or certifying powers, as well as access to public services or the granting of benefits, shall include in an annex a list of all information burdens on citizens and businesses introduced or eliminated by such acts. Information burden means any information obligation or fulfillment involving the collection, processing, transmission, storage and production of information and documents to the public administration.
2. Without prejudice, where provided for, to publication in the Official Gazette, the acts referred to in paragraph 1 are published on the institutional websites of the administrations, according to the criteria and methods defined by the regulation referred to in Article 7, paragraphs 2 and 4, of Law No. 180 of November 11, 2011. Article 13 - Publication obligations concerning the organization of public administrations.
Information burden means any information obligation or fulfillment involving the collection, processing, transmission, storage and production of information and documents to the P.A.

Information burdens for citizens and businesses


Page created 9/13/2023,