Article 12, paragraphs 1 and 2 - Publication obligations concerning regulatory and general administrative acts
1. Without prejudice to what is provided for publications in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic by Law No. 839 of December 11, 1984, and its implementing regulations, public administrations shall publish on their institutional websites the normative references with related links to the norms of state laws published in the "Normattiva" database that regulate their establishment, organization and activity. Also published are the directives, circulars, programs and instructions issued by the administration and any act that disposes in general about the organization, functions, objectives, procedures or in which the interpretation of legal norms concerning them is determined or provisions are dictated for their application, including codes of conduct.
2. With reference to regional statutes and legal norms, which regulate the functions, organization and performance of activities within the administration's competence, the details of updated official acts and texts shall be published.
General Acts - Ministry of Culture